La recherche a retourné 12 résultats

par biturbomax
sam. 6 juil. 2019 09:48
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Re: Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

New sem valve installed.
Same boost pressure.
Last white line.

When I return in italy i'll try to detach W hose from sem valve to see if pressure go up.

What can i check ???
par biturbomax
lun. 24 juin 2019 21:12
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Re: Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

But if my wastegate open to early (0,2 bar) the engine behaviour change. Infact my car is quite lethargic Rhb5 vm8 must initially open at 0,39 bar I learned about wastegate arm, that preload change maximum boost Without preload only spring resistance oppose the gate to open and the gate result initi...
par biturbomax
dim. 23 juin 2019 18:03
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Re: Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

Hi. Today I checked wastegate My wastegate initially opens at 0,2 - 0,25 bar and fully opens at 0,5 - 0,55 bar These turbo wastegate should to initially opens at 0,388 bar ??? Preload on wastegate 2 mm ??? What I can do ??? The problem with these car is the turbo needs to be balanced each other. Wit...
par biturbomax
ven. 21 juin 2019 11:32
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Re: Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

Hi. My backpain is disturbing me. So in these days i'm not performed W hose pipe test. I have some questions. With ignition on but engine off i tried to test knock sensor, knock sensor plugged with connector produces some millivolts if tapped with a screwdriver, but Amal sem valve don't click ( amal...
par biturbomax
lun. 3 juin 2019 09:43
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Re: Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

Thank you.
Do i must plug C rubber hose and remove Amal sem valve ???
Or just leave disconnected W rubber hose ???
par biturbomax
lun. 3 juin 2019 00:39
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Re: Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

I will try to do this test. If the pressure will rise what does it mean ??? If the pressure won't go up what does it mean ??? Wastegate problem ??? Amal valve problem ??? I only noticed that Amal valve have a little leak under pressure With the valve non energized I tried to blow in C pipe plugging ...
par biturbomax
dim. 2 juin 2019 19:27
Forum : Biturbos
Sujet : Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected
Réponses : 14
Vues : 4903

Boost pressure 2.0 18v fuel injected

I checked boost pressure with a good gauge at the tube of ignition ECU. Result was about 0,55 (8 psi) bar with some peaks (but i'm not sure) at 0,6 bar (8,7 psi) I also tried to change restriction in R tube of amal valve with a 3,8 mm with this pressure was stable at 0,6 bar (8,7 psi) (dashboard gau...
par biturbomax
dim. 2 juin 2019 19:19
Forum : WHO ARE YOU ?
Sujet : Hi massimo from Italy
Réponses : 17
Vues : 2411

Re: Hi massimo from Italy

I haven't written for so many years so I introduce myself again

Hi from Mestre in Italy near Venice
I need help with a technical problem
par biturbomax
mar. 22 janv. 2013 21:39
Forum : WHO ARE YOU ?
Sujet : Hi massimo from Italy
Réponses : 17
Vues : 2411

Re: Hi massimo from Italy

Grazie mille.
Per me è un onore.
Pour moi c'est un honneur
par biturbomax
dim. 13 janv. 2013 16:50
Forum : WHO ARE YOU ?
Sujet : Hi massimo from Italy
Réponses : 17
Vues : 2411

Re: Hi massimo from Italy



Many years of hard work.
par biturbomax
mar. 1 janv. 2013 22:33
Forum : WHO ARE YOU ?
Sujet : Hi massimo from Italy
Réponses : 17
Vues : 2411

Re: Hi massimo from Italy

merci beaucoup the car is mine from 1999 The interior has been restored, but only the "Terra di Siena" parts, the alcantara it's original I have some pictures of the engine compartment, without the last work done on the final details. http:...
par biturbomax
lun. 31 déc. 2012 13:57
Forum : WHO ARE YOU ?
Sujet : Hi massimo from Italy
Réponses : 17
Vues : 2411

Hi massimo from Italy

I'm Massimo from Italy.
Nice to meet you.
I own a Maserati Biturbo Si '87


