Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

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Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par LDM68 »

Not great quality i'm afraid but a selection of phone video clips taken a few years ago when 3 friends and I spent the day at Goodwood Motor Circuit. I had intended to take some proper video but in truth was having too much fun.

sorry did not embed?
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Re: Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par gemini »

I fixed it for you. ;)

Have you had the opportunity to try all the cars?
Which one was the most rewarding to drive?
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Re: Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par LDM68 »

Many thanks!

No I have not driven the other guys cars, to be honest I wouldn't have felt comfortable doing it.

The GS and 4200 CC stayed near the circuit the night before, the 3200 GTA was relatively local, I drove the 3200 GT down in the morning (about 90 min drive). The GS owner had only booked a half day session but seemed to enjoy it, the 3200 GTA developed a cooling issue and retired at lunch time. The 4200 CC and my (3200 GT) car spent the whole day on track, 15 mins on and 15 off from 09:00 to approx 17:00 only stopping for lunch, both cars performed perfectly, there wasn't much between them on the day, although I feel that maybe the paddles in the CC made the drivers life a little easier.

I should add that as the day progressed we pushed harder and faster, in many ways it was good the day ended when it did as I felt maybe things were starting to be going a bit far / fast and we needed the cars to get home and they are not race cars.

After a brief stop at the pub to discuss the day, we jumped in the cars for the journey home, not bad for what some might see as temperamental GT cars! I think that despite being less focussed than many "sports cars" the coupes fall nicely between them and the much bigger GT's of other manufacturers and later Maserati.
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Re: Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par Konimino2 »

beautiful day 8-) :Maze
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Re: Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par joeley »

Surtout "Maserati 3200GT at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019..."
Parfait... :D
Merci pour cette vidéo de passionné. ;)
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Re: Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par jef33 »

La 4200 elle déchire :)
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Re: Maserati Coupes at Goodwood Motor Circuit 2019

Message par Cam_31 »

Great 8-)
Thanks for sharing this experience in :Maze